Human 2.0

“Human 2 O,” a show on water, mixing Circus Arts and floating machinery. Somewhere on earth, in 2310 …

The world’s water became polluted acid and inexorably. The ecosystem of the planet is now devastated by the recklessness of an irresponsible and greedy human society. All humanity is moving towards an irreversible chaos. Water, this essential element to life, this simple and important atomic combination, this material as abundant as weak will not survive the repeated attacks of man. Today, not a single drop of pure water appears on this Earth. It took four billion years for the Earth we build all these riches and nly three centuries for man to destroy everything.
« HUMAN 2 O »
Triangle trapeze duo oscillating mast / String Quartet Chinese Pole Vaulting Rope Dance
Smooth floating oil platform Structure From 15x8m, inked 6m height about 30m from the shore Supporting the area, most of the machinery and pyrotechnics. Two mechanical spiders thermal or electric propulsion offshore locations as
Flamethrower traditional pyrotechnics and Water Fountains Water Effects Video on joint platform water screen