Louxor spectacle
Since its creation in 1996 at the initiative of Vincent Loubert, the Louxor Spectacle company has been developing its multi-disciplinary street theater made of impressive scenographies and crazy artists who propel the public into imaginary worlds where theater, dance, light, music, special effects and plastic installations are combined.
Saintes, Port Saint Louis du Rhône, Miribel, Aalborg (DK), Berlin (Germany), Bernissard (Belgique), Fort de France (Martinique), Périgueux, Angers, Neuilly sur Marne, la Seyne sur mer…

No, no, no, Louxor is not a production company …
Ben, why it is called like that then? → It’s a long history, dating back to the time of the pyramids …
A colorful world and unique images …
Street and water performances

Lyon, Valserhone, Hartlepool (UK), Oulu (Finland), Verdun, Marseille, Le Lavendou, La Seyne sur mer…
Created by the Company Louxor propagate a theatrical dimension accompanied by an impressive machinery. Mobile and manufactured structures reveal technical skills and originality that propel the audience into imaginary worlds which combines theater, dance, light, music and fireworks.
It advocates ambulation as a dynamic form of entertainment and as a preferred investing public spaces means to highlight in their entirety and marry the specifics of each site. It directly involves the people in his shows and thus blurs the boundary between artist and audience. In 2010, she created “The Aqua-Rhône” cultural system of support for the creation and dissemination of works performed on the water, and directed his first show on the Rhone River “Human 2 O”. She thus developed one of its goals to integrate an environmental dimension to his point, and to take the Living Arts in liquid spaces still unexploited. In 2013 she created the show on water “VOGUE” whose main scenic element is a big wheel fairground (11m) partially submerged …
The people cast the show
One way to combine celebrations and civic engagement. A participatory parade of people helps build strong links between people and the land. Using an offset proposal, citizens here are taken on an adventure in which they themselves are the heroes.
Mobilization of people and communities.
He asked municipalities to mobilize people (with MJC, community centers, and other local actors …), to have a bridging role between the project and the public, to ensure the dissemination of information, the provision of facilities for meetings and rehearsals to ensure the home in good condition on the team.
generic place
# J-2 Meeting with residents, project presentation, rehearsal Rehearsals with 1 coordinator actor Coy, preparation of the parade. These people become with a few hours of pre-service training, the? extras, actors participating in the stroll # J-1 Repeat 2
J #Day early morning
Test costumes, preparing people in houses, makeup and last rehearsals